Terms & conditions

What Are Terms and Conditions?

A terms and conditions agreement outlines the website administrator’s rules regarding user behavior and provides information about the actions the website administrator can and will perform.

Essentially, your terms and conditions text is a contract between your website and its users. In the event of a legal dispute, arbitrators will look at it to determine whether each party acted within their rights.

Are You Legally Required to Have Terms and Conditions?

Technically, no. You aren’t legally required to have a terms and conditions agreement.

However, having terms and conditions for websites is considered standard business practice in the US, Canada, the UK, and just about everywhere else — from South Africa to Australia.

If you plan to grow your business or expand your user base, a simple website terms and conditions page will provide your site with an additional layer of legal protection.

Reasons to Have a Terms and Conditions

Besides giving your business more legal protection, you should also have a terms and conditions agreement on your website for the following reasons:

To Set Liabilities Limits

Almost every terms and conditions agreement has a warranty or limitations of liability disclaimer. We’ll cover it in more detail in our section about what clauses to include in your terms and conditions, but this clause essentially limits what customers can hold you liable for.

Most companies restrict liability for:

To Outline Policies and Avoid Abusive Behavior

Many companies use their website’s terms and conditions to lay down the rules that users must agree to and follow before accessing your website or service.

Keep Others From Copying Your Content

Another reason for having a terms and conditions agreement is to disclose and protect your intellectual property rights.

Adding an intellectual property disclosure clause to your terms and conditions text informs users of your intellectual property rights, such as your logos, content, and other protected ideas and marks.

If you catch your users copying your content, you can take legal action against them since your terms and conditions agreement is legally binding.

Clauses To Include in Your Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions agreements contain a broad range of guidelines for how you and your users can use your service or site.

Even short terms and conditions agreements should include several vital clauses to safeguard your business. Otherwise, your website’s terms and conditions agreement will be incomplete, exposing you to many legal risks.

Here’s what you should include in your terms and conditions agreements to prevent such misunderstandings and others:

Governing and Applicable Laws

As touched upon above, you need to establish what national or state law governs the agreement between you and the users. Most companies choose the law of their state or country or the country where users access their site or app.

Third Parties

This clause tells users that you are not responsible for any third-party services or sites to which your site links.

You should also tell users that they are solely responsible for reading the legal policies, rules, and terms and conditions of third-party sites and services.

Disclaimer and Warranty

A disclaimer states that your site is available on an “as-is and as-available basis” and that users use it at their own risk.

Term and Condition

1. Your donation will be credited to the organization’s bank account.

2. The donation you give will be used for the maintenance of mentally challenged helpless daughters of the organization.

3. Donations made by you will be tax free under section no. 80-g of income tax.

4. The donation you give will be used for the maintenance of mentally challenged helpless daughters of the organization.

5. With the help of your donation, we will be able to provide free accommodation, education training, vocational training, food, medicines, therapies, and occasional travel to the mentally challenged daughters of our organization and provide multipurpose and all-round developmental activities.

Aekrang Institute Registration Details

1. Income Tax Pan No. : Aabta4067e
2. Csr Registration No.: Csr00041423
3. Institution Has Income Tax 80-G Certificate
4. National Trust Registraion No. : Gaek16514432709
5. Gujarat Govt. Social Defense Registration No. : 420003148
6. Registered Under Public Trust Act 1950 Is F-1614-Raj, & Registration Under Society Act 1860 Is Guj-1747-Raj.
7. Registered Under Cultural Activities Department Of Gujarat Government & Sangit Natak Akadmi Gujarat Govt. No. /200